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Education and welfare projects

Education & Welfare Projects

ESRA, founded in 1979 as a non-profit, is Israel's largest English-speaking community, aiding the integration of olim while working toward equality in Israeli society. ESRA aims to help diminish educational and social gaps, especially in the socio-geographic periphery, focusing on education and excellence programs and enhancing personal and social skills in a safe and supportive environment. We also integrate English-speaking immigrants into these projects, helping them feel useful and contributing members of society, thereby serving our two significant aims.

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{loadposition teachers1}

BEGGINER Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur a arcu felis. Vivamus leo mauris, facilisis sit amet placerat vel, consectetur a leo. A1
ELEMENTARY Morbi in porttitor erat. Morbi et nunc vitae leo vehicula efficitur vel vitae tortor. Donec mollis, metus sit amet consectetur rutrum, sapien ligula sodales elit, in maximus enim ligula vestibulum lorem. A2
PRE-INTERMEDIATE Curabitur pulvinar tellus magna, et aliquet massa aliquam aliquam. Maecenas dictum pretium interdum. Donec condimentum hendrerit molestie. Duis dictum cursus arcu. A3
INTERMEDIATE Aenean suscipit urna et ante mattis, a hendrerit leo placerat. Suspendisse efficitur libero sit amet massa bibendum dapibus. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. A4

Morbi scelerisque orci a mauris malesuada tempor. Sed at commodo sem. Pellentesque nisl odio, cursus ac gravida quis, laoreet nec augue. Nullam tristique diam sed dui convallis, id rhoncus.

Please make an appointment now:
+48 776 778 505

Uspendisse urna risus, interdum eu molestie eu.

8 AM – 9.30 AM Algebra room 376 A
9.30 AM – 12 PM Statistics 220 B
12 PM – 12.15 PM Lunch time assembly hall
12.15 PM – 3 PM Music jazz club
3 PM – 4 PM In a facilisis augue $28
9 AM – 11 AM History assembly hall
11 AM – 12 PM Music 220 B
12 PM – 12.15 PM Lunch time assembly hall
12.15 PM – 2 PM Physics assembly hall
2 PM – 3 PM Science 333 C
7 AM – 10 AM Algebra 220 B
10 AM – 12 AM Chemistry room 376 A
12 PM – 12.15 PM Lunch time assembly hall
12.15 PM – 3 PM Art jazz club
3 PM – 4 PM Italian $28
9 AM – 10 AM Algebra 220 B
10 AM – 11 AM Chemistry room 376 A
11 AM – 12 PM Art jazz club
12 PM – 12.15 PM Lunch time assembly hall
12.15 PM – 4 PM Italian $28
8 AM – 9 AM Algebra room 376
9 AM – 10 AM Statistics 220 B
10 AM – 12 PM Music jazz club
12 PM – 12.15 PM Lunch time assembly hall
12.15 PM – 1 PM In a facilisis augue $28
6 AM – 8 AM History assembly hall
8 AM – 12 PM Music 220 B
12 PM – 12.15 PM Lunch time assembly hall
12.15 PM – 4 PM Physics assembly hall
4 PM – 5 PM Science 333 C

Example 1

8 AM – 9.30 AM Algebra room 376 A
9.30 AM – 12 PM Statistics 220 B
12 PM – 12.15 PM Lunch time assembly hall
12.15 PM – 3 PM Music jazz club
3 PM – 4 PM In a facilisis augue $28
9 AM – 11 AM History assembly hall
11 AM – 12 PM Music 220 B
12 PM – 12.15 PM Lunch time assembly hall
12.15 PM – 2 PM Physics assembly hall
2 PM – 3 PM Science 333 C
7 AM – 10 AM Algebra 220 B
10 AM – 12 AM Chemistry room 376 A
12 PM – 12.15 PM Lunch time assembly hall
12.15 PM – 3 PM Art jazz club
3 PM – 4 PM Italian $28
9 AM – 10 AM Algebra 220 B
10 AM – 11 AM Chemistry room 376 A
11 AM – 12 PM Art jazz club
12 PM – 12.15 PM Lunch time assembly hall
12.15 PM – 4 PM Italian $28
8 AM – 9 AM Algebra room 376
9 AM – 10 AM Statistics 220 B
10 AM – 12 PM Music jazz club
12 PM – 12.15 PM Lunch time assembly hall
12.15 PM – 1 PM In a facilisis augue $28
6 AM – 8 AM History assembly hall
8 AM – 12 PM Music 220 B
12 PM – 12.15 PM Lunch time assembly hall
12.15 PM – 4 PM Physics assembly hall
4 PM – 5 PM Science 333 C

Example 2

BEGGINER Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur a arcu felis. Vivamus leo mauris, facilisis sit amet placerat vel, consectetur a leo. A1
ELEMENTARY Morbi in porttitor erat. Morbi et nunc vitae leo vehicula efficitur vel vitae tortor. Donec mollis, metus sit amet consectetur rutrum, sapien ligula sodales elit, in maximus enim ligula vestibulum lorem. A2
PRE-INTERMEDIATE Curabitur pulvinar tellus magna, et aliquet massa aliquam aliquam. Maecenas dictum pretium interdum. Donec condimentum hendrerit molestie. Duis dictum cursus arcu. A3
INTERMEDIATE Aenean suscipit urna et ante mattis, a hendrerit leo placerat. Suspendisse efficitur libero sit amet massa bibendum dapibus. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. A4


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute. Suspendisse ornare porttitor augue.

John Doe


Praesent pulvinar libero nunc, vel suscipit justo rhoncus sit amet. Integer tempor malesuada nunc sit amet egestas. Nunc in mi gravida, tristique ante vitae, malesuada risus. Sed vel feugiat tortor, ac pulvinar neque. Proin rutrum tristique condimentum. Curabitur pulvinar porta varius. Mauris pharetra faucibus elit, ullamcorper bibendum eros consequat sit amet.


Sed interdum enim ac velit consequat, rutrum sagittis metus euismod. Sed eu mattis nulla, in faucibus nisl. Maecenas ac lacus molestie, luctus eros eu, efficitur arcu. Mauris convallis lacus non orci fermentum dictum. Vivamus tincidunt a nunc sed auctor. Praesent at quam id magna rutrum.

John Doe


Nunc at pellentesque massa, a euismod nisl. Sed quam diam, ultrices ac enim a, cursus gravida lorem. Etiam non suscipit massa. Proin condimentum tristique augue ac varius. Maecenas feugiat ex vitae massa viverra tincidunt et sed tellus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia.

Curabitur egestas vehicula quam id posuere. Phasellus sit amet erat lacinia, facilisis augue eu, porttitor arcu. Nunc ut ligula ac libero laoreet auctor. Vestibulum eu tincidunt nunc. Ut urna justo, varius. Phasellus sit amet erat lacinia, facilisis augue eu, porttitor arcu. Nunc ut ligula ac libero laoreet auctor. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed quis nisi eget lacus varius suscipit. Praesent tincidunt leo sit amet hendrerit tincidunt. Donec pulvinar dolor massa, interdum iaculis leo ornare nec.


 To create a better Israeli society through mutual help, social involvement and volunteering.


 To identify social, educational and welfare needs among weaker sectors of society, and develop and run projects designed to meet those needs to the benefit of Israeli society

§  To create and be an English-speaking community that offers its community members social, cultural and volunteering activities


 To do significant work toward helping others, through a sense of personal development and community belonging

§  To run community projects together with a local partner and an ESRA volunteer

§  To be a volunteer organization, managed and run by volunteers with the aid of a small administrative team

§  To direct the organization's activities with a multi-year plan and long-term vision

§  To be run professionally, effectively and efficiently through original thinking, high personal standards, and flexibility, while maintaining the organization's network of personal and interpersonal relations – "the soul of ESRA"

§  Areas and hours of volunteering to be determined by the volunteers in compliance with organization rules, regulations and needs

ESRA is an a-political organization without religious affiliation. It was established in 1979 by immigrants from English-speaking countries with the aim of helping fellow new immigrants integrate into Israel and become contributing members of society.

ESRA is different things to different people.

ESRA offers quality community life for Ensocial and cultural activities through its 20 branches from Nahariya to Eilat.

 secondhand shops and book shops. It runs a wide range of activities and projects in the community within various frameworks and English-speaking communities, as well as in needy communities. Each branch has a different character. Israel's largest summery of all we offer.

A group of English Speaking residents of Herzliya and Kfar Shmaryahu formed ESRA in 1979, primarily to fulfill a social need and assist their integration into Israeli society.


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Having been an active fundraiser for Israel in London, and volunteering in Israel following the Six Day War, Baruch made aliya in 1978 with his wife and three small children. With his background in business studies he was welcomed into the finance management world of Israel's hi-tech sector working first with Digital, then Compaq and finally HP. Baruch also served in the IDF in a field intelligence unit. During his leisure time, Baruch developed his acting skills with the Sharon Players, TACT, and in various TV adverts and promotional films. Since his retirement, he has appeared in two Israeli feature films. Currently living in Raanana and enjoying his children and 12 grandchildren, Baruch became an active volunteer with ESRA over 8 years ago, first in Finance as a Treasurer and then on the Executive, serving as Vice Chairperson for 3 years and then as Co-Chairman and Chairman for the last two years.



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Page 8 of 9
ESRA Secondhand Shops
ESRA second Hand & Vintage Shops for the Community

Our secondhand shops for the community are loaded with clothing and brands for women, men, and children, bric-a-brac, vintage, and much more….all at reasonable prices!

ESRA second Hand & Vintage Shops for the Community

Our secondhand bookshops have a huge variety of English fiction and non-fiction for all ages, including lots of good reads for kids, all at rock-bottom prices.