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at war

After the tragic events of October 7th 2023, ESRA, Israel's largest English-speaking volunteer-based NGO, swiftly initiated assistance efforts, dedicating its resources to aiding both war-affected families and English speakers in Israel ESRA War Effort.

In 2021 we made the most of your contribution

In 2023 we made the most of your contribution

NIS 10,482,000


Financial Investment


Children & Students

Personal & Educational Improvement



Engaged in a Range of Activities


Volunteer Hours

Invested in the community


ESRA's Impact in 2023



Financial Investment


Children & Students

Personal & Educational



Engaged in a Range of Activities


Volunteer Hours

Invested in the community

Projects homepage

Our community projects focus on enhancing educational achievement and social skills, promoting academic enrichment and excellence, and offering personal and financial support - all aimed at ensuring equal opportunity for personal, social, and educational growth and development.


Our community projects focus on enhancing educational achievement and social skills, promoting academic enrichment and excellence, and offering personal and financial support - all aimed at ensuring equal opportunity for personal, social, and educational growth and development.

Feel Right at home in Israel with ESRA

ESRA, Israel's largest English speaking community network, is committed to successful integration of olim, and bridging equity gaps in Israeli society. We provide services and activities, suited to all ages and stages of the aliya process, including personal support, networking activities, volunteering opportunities, social and cultural events, and special interest groups.


Feel right at home in Israel with ESRA

ESRA, Israel's largest English speaking community network, is committed to successful integration of olim, and bridging equity gaps in Israeli society. We provide services and activities, suited to all ages and stages of the aliya process, including personal support, networking activities, volunteering opportunities, social and cultural events, and special interest groups.

פתח תקווה

תרבות וחברה פרויקטים


ראש הסניף: מרים קרוסבי

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   להצטרפות לקבוצת הפייסבוק - לחצו כאן

קהילת דוברי אנגלית פעילה חברתית ולטובת הקבוצות החלשות בעיר ואף מסייעת בקיוסק לחיילים.

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